Wood (5 elements) | YMAA

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Wood (5 elements)

Earth, Metal, Wood, Fire and Water correspond with the spleen, lung, liver, heart and kidney respectively. These body organs also correspond with certain musical modes (Kung, Shang, Cheuh, Jyy, and Yu) assist in bringing about greater organ function efficiency. The music of Wood resonates with and strengthens the liver organ system, pacifying nervousness and restlessness in sleep.


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Earth, Metal, Wood, Fire and Water correspond with the spleen, lung, liver, heart and kidney respectively. These body organs also correspond with certain musical modes (Kung, Shang, Cheuh, Jyy, and Yu) assist in bringing about greater organ function efficiency.

The music of Wood resonates with and strengthens the liver organ system, pacifying nervousness and restlessness in sleep.


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